Projects > Draw Together



Programmer, Designer

Software used

HTML, CSS, JS, Node.js, Express.js, NeDB, p5.js, GitHub

Draw Together is a set of tablet companion applications designed as an in class activity for primary school students with speech and/or language disorders. Draw Together prompts students to communicate with one another through drawing on their own devices, and then having their drawings shared with their classmates through an interactive display. The application is designed as a fun, accessible, child friendly way for children to interact with one another, where they might usually have some difficulties doing so. The application seen above is a functional prototype of the student application, in the form of a web application.

What went well - usability and enjoyment. The drawing pad and jigsaw puzzle systems developed for the prototype application were engaging enough that one test user asked their teacher to extend the activity time so that they could complete their drawing.
What could have been done better - fidelity / software used. A web application run on a locally hosted server works great for development and in person testing, but restricts the prototype from being easily shared. This could be fixed by choosing a more appropriate development environment to begin with, or developing the next prototype as a more complete application.

My contributions

  • > programmed the functional prototype
  • > developed all major system and data structure functionality
  • > aided in design of user experience and user flow of application
  • > aided in visual design and clarity
  • > aided in designing and performing user testing and research
  • Login system
    • > retain user information, system adjusts accordingly
    • > user databased stores information and drawings
  • Drawing space
    • > user can draw
    • > change background colour
    • > erasing areas of the drawing
    • > undo or redo the 10 most recent changes
  • Interactive Jigsaw display
    • > all stored drawings displayed in jigsaw templates
    • > users can zoom in/out of, and pan around
    • > jigsaw data structure displays drawings from the centre, spiraling outwards
    • > piece placement algorithm with priorities
Implementation details

Software overview

The student prototype is developed as a locally hosted website with a frontend and a backend. The frontend is programmed in vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript that manages the visual design of the prototype. The backend is hosted locally using Node.js in combination with Express.js to communicate between the frontend, and a database, in this case, due to the current simplicity of the implementation, NeDB was used as a lightweight database framework. Other libraries or packages that were used during the development of the prototype include p5.js, jQuery, and the Node.js FileSystem.

Data overview

In the prototype, data is stored using the NeDB database framework, in the ‘database.db’ file. The server accesses the database, and calls the file when it needs to read or store data. The database stores all users in the system in the follow JSON object format:

  • ‘uid:{users unique id}’ - represented as a 5 character string
  • ‘fname:{users first name}’ - represented as a string of characters
  • ‘sname:{users surname}’ - represented as a string of characters
  • ‘id:{nedb database identification}’ - generated by the database
Example json of user entry
The information of the current user is stored in a separate ‘curr_uid.json’ file (in actual implementation this would likely be managed locally on the user's device). The data stored in this file is the database entry for that user. This data is used to send information to the server based on the user’s current progress, or to get data from the server when the user needs to retrieve information, usually in the form of their own drawing. Lastly, the server stores all images completed by users in a ‘user_imgs’ folder as JSON objects in ‘uid.json’ files where ‘uid’ represents the user's unique 5 digit identification number. These files contain the following information:
  • ‘name:{users full name}’ - a combination of all user names as one string
  • ‘col:{colour of the users background}’ - represented as a non-negative integer that references the index of the colour amongst all colours
  • ‘drawStr:{users drawing}’ - represented as a base64 string so that the image data can be passed around and stored
Example json of drawing entry
It should be noted that these files should be further categorically stored based on the data/activity that the drawing was in response to, to accommodate for further activities. These files are stored and only the server has access to them at any given time. At no point can the user directly access the data in the database/file system (this is similar to actual implementation).

Drawing pad implementation

Drawing pad page example
The drawing pad component is developed using the p5.js javascript library that affords for visual javascript. This is specifically used in the ‘drawpad.html’ page represented as the canvas the user draws on, and interactable through mouse press, as well as external buttons on the side. The primary drawing implementation simply uses the user’s mouse position and the mouse buttons to determine if a line should be drawn between the previous mouse position and the current mouse position at any given frame. The eraser is treated the same way, but rather than drawing a line with the colour black, the line is drawn in the same colour as the background to give the illusion of erasing.

The background colour change is performed similarly to the p5.js image THRESHOLD function, which converts an image to black and white by looping over all pixels on the screen and determining their new colour based on colour information in comparison to a threshold value. In our case, the code loops over all pixels, and either assigns it the colour black (where the user has drawn), or the new background colour. This is so that the pixels that have been erased also change colour with the background. The threshold value used, is 1 value less than the sum of the RGB channels of the darkest colour (the darkest shade of green in this case). In this way, any colour above the threshold value is changed to another colour, and the black pixels stay black. It should be noted, to keep the application performant for all users, the pixel density is constrained to 1 for all users so that looping over all pixels on the canvas is not an intensive process. Without constraint, the background colour change takes at minimum 4 times as long, and negatively impacts user experience.

The undo button is linked to the drawing history, which is stored in a separate History Buffer data structure that acts as a circular buffer. This works by generating an array of a predetermined size (buffer size + 1), and storing the start, and end pointers of the used portion of the array. As elements are added to the array, the endpoint is incremented, and if it ever reaches the end of the array, it loops around back to the start of the array, incrementing the start pointer by 1, effectively overriding the first element in the array. In this way, a number of user actions can be stored up to the buffer size, and any subsequent actions will override the oldest user action. Due to issues and errors when passing around a canvas, each user action is stored as an image of the canvas at the time of that action, and when the user reverts an action, the canvas copies all pixels of the image, overriding the current canvas.
History data structure visualisation

Jigsaw data structure

Jigsaw page example
The jigsaw uses a Jigsaw Grid data structure to numerically represent an array (where the jigsaw pieces are stored), as a square jigsaw spiralling outwards. This data structure is necessary to afford for a square of jigsaw pieces that infinitely expands from a central location (the question). Look below for a visual representation of the Jigsaw Grid.
Visualisation of jigsaw data structure
To get from any given piece in the data structure to any adjacent piece in the data structure, mathematical patterns are used to equate the position. This is necessary for any fine-tuned placement algorithms, as well as possible adjacency checks for individual pieces. As such, each piece in the grid has 4 key components:

  • Index
  • Rings
  • Rows / Columns
  • Quadrant
The index of any given piece is its position in the array. The ring of any given piece is it’s distance from the centre of the jigsaw as a layer of jigsaw pieces (indexing from the 4 question pieces as ring 0). The row and column of each piece is it’s direct vertical and horizontal positioning in relation to the centre. Due to the centre of the jigsaw being a 2x2 of question pieces and for formulaic ease, there is no 0 index row or column, and rather, starts from 1 or -1 respectively. The positive direction of the horizontal axis is right, and the positive direction of the vertical axis is up, similar to the Cartesian plane. Finally, the quadrant(s) of a piece is the side of the jigsaw that the piece is on in it’s current ring (as an integer representing each of the 4 cardinal directions). A representation of these components can be found below.
Jigsaw piece information example
To find any other adjacent piece a set of checks are used to determine the array position of that piece based on the current position and the direction of the next piece. These are found through a series of mathematical patterns based on the visual layout above and can be found summarized below.
Jigsaw data structure equations
At each array position with a piece, a reference to the HTML DOM element is stored, along with the JSON object of the user's drawing. This way, the ‘jigsaw.js’ script can create and assign pieces and their respective locations on the screen, as well as pass necessary information when an individual piece is clicked on. User interactivity is determined through ‘mousedown’, ‘mousemove’ and ‘mouseup’ events, along with boolean variables to determine the user's intended course of action when they click on the screen. This allows the code to understand whether the user intends to click and view a singular drawing, or to pan the jigsaw display to see more of the images.


Noah Pham Van - Illustrator, Designer
Raveen Jayawardene - Animation/Video, Designer
Wilfred Wong - Project Planner/Management, Designer